The unicorn in my garden
. has eaten all the bean leaves
. dangling ribbons from his horn
as maidens flit around
. in may pole circles
astride the beast of dreams
. bare soft thighs clasped about
His hot back.
. Desire
floats in the air of the dance
. around the horn.
. Thoughts of penetration,
of remorse, and loss reel through the maidens.
Tangled ribbons
I apologize, Kent. I’m not sure if I read this one, but I like the situation we’re in. Although you deleted my comments, if I remember correctly, they still exist in the back-end of your site. If I did comment on the poem, I don’t remember what I said. Now, If I contradict myself, we can laugh.
The Unicorn, a mystical beast from pagan tradition. I love the two sexual images. And I share your attitude about sexuality and what is unacceptable to those who are still hungover with Puritan thinking.